"A problem is only as difficult as its solution."

INTRODUCTORY TALK:  by appointment only due to social distancing practices currently. Please text 0402 041 464.
Location is near St. Leonards' Station, or an alternative can be arranged upon request.

These are free of charge and allow one to see how Vedic Meditation can help with one's individual situation. It is approximately 30 mins. This is a great way of finding detailed information about Vedic Meditation so you may make an informed decision and relate it your personal goals. This particular type of meditation works best for busy people, and one does not need to be in a good space in order to feel the benefit. 

UPCOMING VEDIC MEDITATION COURSES: This takes place over 4 consecutive days - about an hour and a half each day. Times are variable, depending on the needs of those learning.

If you are interested but are not in this area, please let me know and I will let you know my schedule, or happily refer you to a colleague.

Through the correct technique and instruction, meditation is simple and actually effortless, leaving us feeling more energized and positive. Through just a few minutes each day, we feel more giving, more able to cope with demands - in short, we become a better version of ourselves without even trying.

Immediately, the following areas of our life are affected:

Health - decreased likelihood of illness, faster recovery from illness, better quality sleep, reduced frequency of headaches, alleviation from chronic illnesses of many types - high blood pressure inclusive.

Relationships - with more energy, we become less irritated, and we have a more positive and friendly demeanour. We feel stronger and more able to cope with demands.

Mental clarity - improved memory, faster decision-making, fewer negative thoughts, improved rate of learning.

Physical appearance - meditators appear younger from the deep rest, and do not age as quickly. Posture is improved.

Success - increased energy and mental clarity which allows us to meet more demands, have fewer sick days, and a more positive demeanor.

"I feel like laughing more during my day when I meditate. It helps me wake up in the morning. It's a wonderful deep rest. At 56, people don't realise how old I am because my hair is only slightly grey and my skin looks ten years younger. No matter how busy I am, I like to fit it in sometime during my day because of the deep rest. If I get a virus, meditation helps me recover in one or two days." - Angela B.

People of all kinds have experienced the benefits of this technique - those in high-pressure corporate environments, busy Mums and Dads, students, physically demanding roles such as construction workers, athletes. Having a hectic lifestyle or a busy mind does not reduce the effectiveness of this technique - in fact, it appears more effective due to the greater contrast between our lives and the deeply rested state in meditation. Arguably, those who feel they are too busy to take care of themselves are the ones who need this technique the most, as we immediately get the time back through improved efficiency, plus experience all the other benefits. Life feels easier when we introduce meditation, and surprisingly, we are also able to meet more demands.

Even though benefits are mentioned prior to learning, people report they are still amazed how quickly they receive results and the extent by which meditation has improved their lives.


An introductory talk is detailed information about the benefits associated with Vedic Meditation, as well as an opportunity to ask questions to relate to one's personal experiences and goals. There is no cost for these information sessions, and they go for about 30-40 mins.

If one would like to learn, Vedic Meditation courses are held over 4 consecutive days, about 1-2 hours each day. The comprehensive course includes
• Step-by-step instruction of the procedure, and checkings
• Easy ways to get the most out of our technique
• Experiences we can have in meditation
• Long-term benefits of the technique
• Access to the weekly Vedic Meditation follow-up meetings (held by Dianne or any of her colleagues around the world - no extra charge to attend these)

Please contact Dianne to register interest for the next introductory talk or Vedic Meditation course. Please note that this does not add one to an email list!

"I've attended the meditation meetings and I've always found there was more to learn, even about meditation. I have been a meditator for about 18 years, I find benefits from going to Dianne's meetings, and points reinforced and obtain new wisdom. During group meditation, I find my meditation goes deeper, and I feel more blissful afterwards. I have found regular meditation over the years has helped me feel more settled within and more focused." - Alfred B.

• • • ABOUT DIANNE • • •

Having an interest in methods to improve quality of life, Dianne became interested in Vedic Meditation after experiencing the benefits first-hand. This technique is valuable as it does not require us to analyze our experiences - change occurs naturally and spontaneously on a subconscious level, which makes it more effective and permanent. The technique has far surpassed her expectations with regards to energy levels, mood, ability to learn, health, to name a few. Having enjoyed these life-changing benefits, she would like to spread these to others.

Dianne has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology, and has also volunteered at Lifeline.

Dianne has been running meditation classes since 2005.

"Keep up the good work Dianne, you have helped me get along with my life and taught me how to meditate… I wish IQ will do very well and more and more people will be fortunate enough to avail its service and start meditating." -Chandra K.

• • • CONTACT • • •

Email: Dianne@InnerQuiet.com.au

Mob: +61 402 041 464